Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Still life

There are so very often random photos on my phone. Both my middle and youngest daughter can't seem to keep their hands off of the phone, and random photos seem to be their thing. Mostly, especially if the preschooler is in charge, they are blurry photos, beyond recognition.

If my 9 year old is the culprit they may well be super close ups of her own face, which, because they are SO close, are rarely flattering. I mostly delete them all.

However, tonight, when I took a quick glance through my photos I came across this one taken by my 4 year old on Monday morning before school.

Let me assure you that the hour from 7 am  to 8 am at our house is busy, and loud, and sometimes frantic, and that I typically end up yelling. "Where are your shoes?!", "Why isn't your hair brushed?!", "What, are you kidding me? Your dance bag isn't packed yet?" and on and on and on and on it goes.

But this photo? Well this photo was snapped at ~7:55 am, on a school morning, right before departure time, this very week, and  it looks so damn peaceful, doesn't it? So bright and domestic and real and true, and I just can't get enough of it. I love our house. I love those widow-cabinets. I love my girls. I love that my way too long hair can currently only be contained in some throw-back plastic banana clip contraption. I love that super orange sweater. I love the hint of motion. I love that I am not yelling.

I get that it probably does not make you, or anyone--even the midget photographer--nearly as happy as it does me, but really this IS what it's all about right? The little moments, the daily routine, the things we do with love, or love and resentment, or purely from a sense of duty that make our minutes, our days, our lives. Welcome to mine. Sorry, but you're too late for breakfast.


Pat said...

It is a wonderful portrait of the beauty in everyday moments. And too I love your house and your girls and you.
Love, Mom

MB said...

Love your bright kitchen, Beth! You look great. xo

Me, You, or Ellie said...

Wait, window cabinets? That is the most awesome thing I have ever heard of. Who knew they existed? I did not, that's who.

This is *beautiful* and delightful and peaceful and lovely. Serenity now indeed.

And I think the midget photographer may give Mistah Schelckah a run for his money......


Me, You, or Ellie said...

I love this photo and I love you and I love your house and I especially love your window cabinets. If only I could see my very favorite part of that whole sunny kitchen... the microwave drawer.


Cluttered counters in Central PA said...

I love this picture and I appreciate that fact that it was taken at 7:55am on a school morning. What I yearn for more than a peaceful moment in my morning chaos, is the clean counters that are found in your house and not in mine! The cabinets are awesome, as well!