Friday, November 13, 2009

friday hodegepodge

The pickings, they are slim today. These last two weeks have been so long, it's all I can do to haul my sorry ass over the hump of midweek to collapse into the weekend.

1. I miss Daylight Savings Time. This is stupid. It's really, really stupid. I am not a farmer. I do not have to rise with the dawn to milk the damned cows. My milk is in the fridge. The early rising sun is so annoyingly enthusiastic that it melts right through the slats of my blinds. I can twist the bar until the tension cord snaps, yet I am unable to close the blinds enough to seal my inner sanctum from the inevitable invasion of those stupid, pesky rays. And 5:00 pm is NOT night time! It's just getting good at 5pm! Where's my sun? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

2. Is it possible that the holiday season is here? I think I forgot to notice fall. This is great, though. I love Thanksgiving, and I love that festively crazy time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, and I love Christmas, and I love going to Hawaii right after Christmas. Did you know that Hawaii does not acknowledge Daylight Savings Time? Neither does Arizona.

3. I keep getting songs from my childhood stuck in my head, but it's not the cool motown or broadway stuff, it's "Hi, God!" I demand a comment from anyone who knows what I'm talking about.

4. Last night I noticed these really weird patches of red spots on my son's shoulder blades. I don't even want to tell you about the creepy web research I subjected myself to today in my angst about what it could possibly mean. Take note: skin abnormalities are gross. Turns out, the spots were a transferred pattern from the weight bench, which he's been frequenting with his dad.

5. I can't stop watching this video of that boy. Disclaimer: this clearly was not captured with my super-sassy new spy phone (swoon). I wasn't even there.

Don't blink:

Happy Weekend!


Me, You, or Ellie said...

Awesome! I couldn't see it in email; what a treat. And what a badass! And I love seeing sensei although I would have been much happier if it was sassy sensei Willy holding that board...

And of course I know what you're talking about, childhood-songs-wise, but I refuse to comment about it for fear they'll get stuck in my head. Oh great. They already have.

And lastly, at least you have SUN in the mornings after the longest nights in the history of the universe. We've had a gray week (after a stunning Monday) so I open the blinds the minute I can, to let some gray in. And the wind is whipping out there this morning. I'm typing in bed. I may have to stay here all day.

Happy Weekend Sistah.

MB said...

When Uncle Brian introduced "Hi, God!" to the house, I think I was into my teenage years, so I was way too cool to participate. So those songs are not in my head. I'm going to start singing songs from "A Chorus Line" instead!

And good for your boy!

Happy Friday,
MB xoxo

Me, You, or Ellie said...

1. Stupid? Au Contrare! I'm loving the time change.

2. Ditto, although, sadly, I do not to go to Hawaii after Christmas :-(

3. No idea, although it does conjure up images of you, Julie, and MB singing the entire soundtrack to Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat on the way home from Puerto Nuevo.

4. No wonder your boy is so badass in number 5!


Anonymous said...

Where does this daylight we're saving get stored anyway? How do we make withdrawals? I think someone is embezzling from the daylight savings bank because they don't even offer us the option of taking some out when we really, really need it. What kind of savings plan is that anyway?

Rita said...

Those are some mad board breakin' skillz. Reverse hook kick? Or is it a reverse side kick? Awesome job. I think it would be so fun to get these kids together, there are just too many ridiculously cool kids from that born in March board, you know?

Rita said...

Oh, wait... we were born in February, lol. Whatever.

MB said...

Beth, I'm cracking up at the memory of singing "Joseph" in the back seat of your VW on the way back to SD from Mexico! I'm literally laughing out loud at my desk.
Happy weekend! And I loved the pix of your little peanut in her big crib...